I was recently interviewed by Eric Tavenier for the website Engineer.net, which is an engineer recruitment and job search service in the USA.
Eric was taken with my advocacy of what I called “Engineer Capitalists” (in contrast to the financial spivs who dominate business today in the USA) in my interview on The Keiser Report, and wanted me to elaborate for his audience. The interviews have been posted to YouTube (see below).
For Australian viewers, there was an interesting report in today’s Sunday Telegraph on the level of mortgage debt in Australia, which now exceeds 100% of our GDP–higher than America at 95.5%.
The story “Credit binge sets new debt record” by the Sunday Telegraph’s Business Editor Nick Gardner, was the front page lead, and continues on to page 8. It has led to two interviews today by Channel Nine and the ABC, which should run on tonight’s news bulletins (Sunday December 27th).