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Fans of the Aus­tralian movie clas­sic “The Cas­tle” will remem­ber the arche­typ­al line “This one’s going straight to the Pool Room”, uttered by the ever-opti­mistic Dar­ryl Ker­ri­g­an when­ev­er he was giv­en a gift. If you haven’t yet seen the movie, con­sid­er set­ting aside a cou­ple of hours to watch it.

Debt­watch’s “Pool­room Gifts” come from cov­er­age of the Glob­al Finan­cial Cri­sis. Some are gems–incisive bits of analy­sis that are an infor­ma­tive read. Oth­ers are … well, best char­ac­terised as spin, though they range from out­right spin, to delu­sion derived from think­ing like a neo­clas­si­cal econ­o­mist.

If you’d like to nom­i­nate an arti­cle or blog report that deserves an entry in The Pool Room, please send them to the gmail.com email address “gfcwrap” (writ­ten this way to avoid auto­mat­ed email gath­er­ing pro­grams).

Each week there will be a “Pool­room” blog post that will be col­lect the week’s addi­tions. The sub­se­quent week, the trove will be archived and linked below.

As the col­lec­tion grows, we will occa­sion­al­ly pull out some gift from The Pool Room to see how it has stood the test of time…


Week End­ing May 22 2009

Gems March-April 2009

Gems Before March 2009

Smok­ing Guns.  Arti­cles from the deep past that record the fac­tors that led to the GFC.

Media.  Links to cov­er­age of Debt­watch and/or my research in the media. Updat­ed spo­rad­i­cal­ly.