Aussie Banks Addicted To Foreign Borrowing, Daily Reckoning, 18 Jun
“The deposit base of Aussie banks is ‘too low’. Aussie banks are over-reliant on offshore money. This entire situation is a ‘threat to economic recovery’. So it appears Aussie banks are addicted to foreign borrowing and are currently suffering from withdrawal symptoms… Australia’s property boom was bought with borrowed money. Both residential and commercial property values soared with the credit boom. If you think the banks are fine because they don’t have a subprime problem, think again. The banks have a property problem, and you can find it on the asset side of the balance sheet.” Well said. Our robust and conservative banking cartel hasn’t had to account for a property crash. Yet. Green shoots commentators claim that high unemployment is the only factor that may cause a dip in property prices, ignoring the role of the wholesale foreign funding required to keep the Aussie Ponzi scheme alive and kicking. We put ourselves in hock to foreign creditors to create the illusion of doubling or tripling house prices. Collectively, we are all the Greater Fool.