Jessica Irvine’s piece in today’s SMH

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(Edit: Please note that there is a foot­note to this sto­ry)

I nor­mal­ly don’t com­ment on arti­cles about me, since I am aware that now that my views are part of the pub­lic debate, I have to take the good with the bad in cov­er­age. I would­n’t have writ­ten this either, were it not for the line “If only his pre­dic­tions were so reli­able” in Jes­si­ca Irvine’s piece in today’s SMHWalk­ing on a wire stretched between stim­u­lus and debt”.

Brilliant Business Insider Article on Dynamite Prize

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The Dyna­mite Prize for Economics–to be award­ed to the three econ­o­mists most respon­si­ble for the Glob­al Finan­cial Crisis–is going gang­busters with over 14,000 votes so far.

It may pick up even more thanks to some excel­lent work by Busi­ness Insider/Clusterstock, which has pro­duced a bril­liant graph­ic illus­trat­ing the prize.

It’s mag­nif­i­cent, and here it is below for your enjoyment–click on the “Go To The Short List of Nom­i­nees for the Dyna­mite Prize in Eco­nom­ics–>” link and that will take you to the graph­ic, or click here to go straight to the graph­ic.


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As most Aus­tralian read­ers would know, I recent­ly lost half of a bet over Aus­tralian house prices when the Gov­ern­men­t’s “First Home Own­ers Boost”–which I pre­fer to call the First Home Ven­dors Boost–reignited Aus­trali­a’s house price bub­ble.

As a result, I’m walk­ing from Aus­trali­a’s Par­lia­ment House to Aus­trali­a’s high­est moun­tain, Mt Kosciousko–a dis­tance of 224km (140 miles). The walk will start at 2pm on Thurs­day April 15 from the entrance to Par­lia­ment House and–my legs willing–finish 8 days lat­er on the sum­mit of Mt Kosciousko (which is 2228 metres–or about 7000 feet–above sea lev­el).

Interview on Switzer TV

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Peter Switzer inter­viewed me on his cable TV show for Sky News last week.

You can watch the inter­view here. I would also rec­om­mend watch­ing the inter­view with John Hew­son (for inter­na­tion­al view­ers, John Hew­son was a pre­vi­ous leader of the Lib­er­al Par­ty of Aus­tralia, which despite its name is Aus­trali­a’s con­ser­v­a­tive polit­i­cal par­ty), in which amongst oth­er things he not­ed that Cen­tral Bank inde­pen­dence, for which he had cam­paigned while a politi­cian, had not worked out as he had hoped, and had instead left unac­count­able econ­o­mists in charge of mon­e­tary pol­i­cy.

Vote for Ignoble/Dynamite Economics Prize

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Vot­ing is now open for what has been renamed the Dyna­mite Prize in Eco­nom­ics.

The renam­ing was nec­es­sary because the own­ers of the Ig Nobel Prize object­ed to the similarity–which is under­stand­able. They also sug­gest­ed the Dyna­mite Prize as a use­ful alter­na­tive.

We are, after all, intend­ing to award the prize to the three econ­o­mists who did most to drop the GFC bomb on the glob­al econ­o­my, via their naive and utter­ly unre­al­is­tic the­o­ries of eco­nom­ics.

The selec­tion process pro­duced the fol­low­ing set of nom­i­nees:

  • Fis­ch­er Black and Myron Scholes
  • Eugene Fama
  • Mil­ton Fried­man

Talking about the Blog (1)

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I am giv­ing a talk on the blog today at Swin­burne Uni­ver­si­ty in Mel­bourne, and frankly I am not all that pre­pared on the main issue of inter­est to the organ­is­ers there, which is the edu­ca­tion­al impact of this blog (and blog­ging in gen­er­al) ver­sus oth­er forms of edu­ca­tion.

I just estab­lished this blog to get the Debt­watch report out ini­tial­ly, and it’s grown in both size and per­son­al­i­ty in ways that I nev­er envis­aged. It’s been very grat­i­fy­ing, but I haven’t real­ly had the time to reflect on they whys and hows of the process of blog­ging.

Swinburne Talks

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I’m giv­ing two talks at Swin­burne Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy on Thurs­day Feb­ru­ary 4th. The infor­ma­tion below is repro­duced from the fly­er for the event devel­oped by reg­u­lar blog con­trib­u­tor Matt Mitchell, who has arranged the talks:

12.00pm – 2.00pm: DebtWatch : Observations and reflections on the educative role of modern media

  • Dr Keen will dis­cuss his expe­ri­ence using his Debt­watch­blog on which he posts reg­u­lar arti­cles for dis­cus­sion and the role of this media in both edu­cat­ing the pub­lic and stim­u­lat­ing debate among econ­o­mists, stu­dents and lay peo­ple around eco­nom­ic the­o­ry and prac­tice.

CSIRO-UNEP Modelling

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The Unit­ed Nations Envi­ron­ment Pro­gram did a very unusu­al and far-sight­ed thing last year: it asked the CSIRO to pro­duce a ver­sion of its bio­phys­i­cal mod­el of the Aus­tralian econ­o­my for devel­op­ing coun­tries, and to pair that with an eco­nom­ic mod­el which had to be non-equi­lib­ri­um in nature.

The Stocks and Flows Resource Mod­el­ling team at CSIRO Sus­tain­able Ecosys­tems, which main­tains this bio­phys­i­cal mod­el, approached me in July to see whether I would be will­ing to attempt the devel­op­ment of that non­equi­lib­ri­um mul­ti­sec­toral eco­nom­ic mod­el.

Debtwatch No. 42: The economic case against Bernanke

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The US Sen­ate should not reap­point Ben Bernanke. As Oba­ma’s reac­tion to the loss of Ted Kennedy’s seat showed, real change in pol­i­cy only occurs after polit­i­cal scalps have been tak­en. An eco­nom­ic scalp of this scale might final­ly shake Amer­i­ca from the unsus­tain­able path that reck­less and feck­less Fed­er­al Reserve behav­ior set it on over 20 years ago.

Some may think this would be an unfair out­come for Bernanke. It is not. There are sol­id eco­nom­ic rea­sons why Bernanke should pay the ulti­mate polit­i­cal price.