Curses! Foiled Again!

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You all know the movie plot: the Evil Sci­en­tist has laced the town’s water sup­ply with a poi­son. All will die unless The Anti­dote is added, and he holds the city to Ran­som. All seems lost until the Hero rides to the Res­cue with The Anti­dote. The Hero puts the Evil Sci­en­tist behind bars, and all is well (until The Sequel any­way).

Are there any par­al­lels here with Paulson’s cur­rent­ly ter­mi­nat­ed Wall Street bailout?

Why it can’t work–Crikey follow up

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In my col­umn in Crikey yes­ter­day (see below) I promised to pro­vide some “back of the enve­lope” cal­cu­la­tions on why the Paul­son plan can’t work.

It’s not my usu­al stan­dard or style of analysis–just a sim­ple text-only flow­chart map­ping out of the pos­si­ble con­se­quences of a US$2 tril­lion bailout, financed by either bond issues or print­ing money–but a promise is a promise, so here it is. Since the images are quite dif­fi­cult to read, I’ve attached the Pow­er­point file as well.

Pow­er­point Flow­charts

Images from the two relevant slides

The Plan with bond issuance, as it will probably be carried out

We’ve only just begun

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I’ve had a cou­ple of very enjoy­able chats this week with Red Symons, on the ABC Break­fast Show in Mel­bourne, and some friends have been try­ing to get me to throw some old Sky­hooks song lines into the conversation–such as “Hor­ror Movie” and the like (for any non-Aus­tralian and/or non-“Living in the Sev­en­ties” read­ers, Red was a guitarist–and played drums on the one occa­sion I saw them live, at Syd­ney Uni­ver­si­ty’s Union Build­ing in the ear­ly ’70s–and lyri­cist; here is a link for the lyrics).

Welcome aboard the FF Titanic

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I pub­lished this com­men­tary on Crikey and in the New­cas­tle Her­ald yes­ter­day; I will prob­a­bly expand on this for my Octo­ber Debt­watch Report, but here’s a “heads up” before next month–after all, with the speed with which events are unfold­ing, some­thing else might sup­plant this top­ic by then.

Welcome aboard the FF Titanic

Anoth­er day, anoth­er finan­cial col­lapse. The effec­tive nation­al­i­sa­tion of Fan­nie Mae and Fred­die Mac last week was ini­tial­ly greet­ed by the mar­ket, yet again, as The End Of The Cri­sis. Then Lehman Broth­ers teetered and final­ly fell into bank­rupt­cy. The cri­sis was, once again, alive and well.

Two good commentaries on The Panic

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I don’t have time to write a full blog on this myself, but here are some of the best com­men­taries to explain what’s going on that I’ve seen recent­ly.


On Lehman, coun­ter­par­ty risk, and the dan­gers of a deriv­a­tives melt­down (which an AIG col­lapse might well pre­cip­i­tate:

Debate on Property Bubble on October 15

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The Our Finance Blogs site ( is host­ing an online debate on “Prop­er­ty 2009: Crash, Boom or Stag­nate?!”. I will be one of the pro­tag­o­nists in the debate. If you’d like to take part, go to:

and sign in. Check:

for fur­ther details.


Click here to log access the debate

Click here to log access the debate

Podcasts 4–6 now functional–I hope!

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The pod­casts should now be func­tion­al. The prob­lem was sim­ple but obscure: my serv­er runs Lin­ux, which is case sen­si­tive, and the file names were all in low­er­case, but spec­i­fied with ini­tial cap­i­tals in the XML and HTML files.

I’ve suc­cess­ful­ly down­loaded and played them from the HTML. I would appre­ci­ate some­one try­ing the subcribe/iTunes update and see­ing whether they are now cor­rect there too.

SBS Dateline tonight with George Negus

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George negus is inter­view­ing me and Peter Schiff on Date­line tonight. The top­ic is the attempt­ed res­cue of Fan­nie Mae and Fred­die Mac, and what that may mean for the glob­al econ­o­my and Aus­tralia in par­tic­u­lar.

Date­line goes to air tonight (Wednes­day) at 8.30pm. It is also acces­si­ble on the web, the day after the pro­gram goes to air.

In oth­er news, the pod­casts are cur­rent­ly not func­tion­al, but I hope to fix them up tomor­row.

3 new podcast entries–and SBS Insight tomorrow

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Well Stu Cameron has been on the ball, but clear­ly I’ve stuffed up link­ing the files on my site! Sev­er­al read­ers have told me that the pod­casts 3–6 can’t be accessed.

At some stage they will be avail­able, but I have a rush of work on right now so please wait until I put up a new post with prop­er­ly test­ed links. My apolo­gies for the con­fu­sion in the mean­time.

And you can also access the audio files from:

The top­ics of these three pod­casts (Num­bers 4, 5 and 6) are:

DebtWatch No 26 September 2008: Losing control of the margin?

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Late last year on SBS News, when Stan Grant asked me which way the RBA would move rates in 2008, I replied “Up, and then down”, Stan quipped “Spo­ken like a true economist–an even hand­ed answer!”–to which I replied “More down than up”.

I expect­ed the intial rate ris­es because of the RBA’s focus on the rate of infla­tion, and a sub­se­quent fall, not because infla­tion would be head­ing down, but because the econ­o­my would be–and the RBA rate would be forced to fol­low it