Youtube video on Aus, China and USA

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This is the fifth video from an inter­view by Ben­ny Sut­ton:

It’s less ana­lyt­ic than my usu­al effort–I don’t have the data to be an “expert” on Chi­na, and I doubt that I’d trust the data all that much even if I did have it. But I reflect on what could hap­pen to Aus­tralia if Chi­na’s cur­rent boom proves to be dri­ven by poor­ly direct­ed cred­it, and dis­cuss Chi­na’s very delib­er­ate and suc­cess­ful pro­gram of indus­tri­al­iza­tion in the last 3 decades, where pre­dom­i­nant­ly US cor­po­ra­tions were encour­aged to relo­cate tech­nol­o­gy and pro­duc­tion to Chi­na. The Chi­nese ensured that there was the devel­op­ment of a viable cap­i­tal­ist class, as well as a growth in employment–unlike many oth­er devel­op­ing nations fol­low­ing export-ori­ent­ed indus­tri­al­iza­tion strategies–by requir­ing for­eign ven­tures to have a local part­ner, and trans­fer­ring a large slab of the own­er­ship to that part­ner over time.

Dude! Where’s My Recovery?

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I ini­tial­ly planned to call this post “Eco­nom­ic Growth, Asset Mar­kets and the Cred­it Accel­er­a­tor”, but recent neg­a­tive data out of Amer­i­ca makes me think that this title is more in line with con­ver­sa­tions cur­rent­ly tak­ing place in the White House.

(Click here for this post in PDF)

Accord­ing to the NBER, the “Great Reces­sion” is now two years behind us, but the recov­ery that nor­mal­ly fol­lows a reces­sion has not occurred. While growth did rise for a while, it has been anaemic com­pared to the norm after a reces­sion, and it is already trend­ing down. Growth needs to exceed 3 per cent per annum to reduce unemployment—the rule of thumb known as Okun’s Law—and it needs to be sub­stan­tial­ly high­er than this to make seri­ous inroads into it. Instead, growth bare­ly peeped its head above Okun’s lev­el. It is now below it again, and trend­ing down.

My property debate presentation

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My pre­sen­ta­tion at today’s debate is avail­able below (the PPT slides are here). ABC Late­line Busi­ness ran a report on the debate which is now avail­able on their web­site: Click for the transcript+video or just the video. In the next few days I’ll post an entry on asset prices (in both the USA and Aus­tralia) and the Cred­it Impulse, which will go into the argu­ments pre­sent­ed here in much more detail.

Steve Keen’s Debt­watch Pod­cast 

| Open Play­er in New Win­dow

Australian and US Economy interviews

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I did an inter­view with Phil Dob­bie from BT Aus­tralia on the Aus­tralian econ­o­my this morn­ing. You can hear it on Phil’s pro­gram on BT, or on iTunes, or click below:

And one with Peter Schiff on the US econ­o­my and whether it will face infla­tion or defla­tion:

Steve Keen’s Debt­watch Pod­cast


Ordi­nar­i­ly I’d back these up with some data graphs, but I’m in even more of a hur­ry than usu­al this week, so I’ll just leave you with the audios.

5 places at Property Bubble Crash Debate for blog members

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I’m tak­ing part in the “Prop­er­ty Bub­ble Crash Debate” next Tues­day at the Wes­ley Cen­tre, 220 Pitt Street, Syd­ney, 12pm-2pm.

There are 4 speak­ers for the “No Bubble/No Crash” case”

And 3 for the “Bub­ble and Crash” case:

Recession Sessions: Music for the Great Recession

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Reces­sion Ses­sions is an album of eco­nom­ics-themed songs ded­i­cat­ed to the Great Reces­sion. It’s pio­neer­ing the genre of “finan­cial folk”, and rais­ing mon­ey for the Somerville Home­less Coali­tion, a home­less­ness activism group in Mass­a­chu­setts.

After all the seri­ous­ness on this blog, I’m glad to have some artis­tic com­men­tary on the Great Reces­sion. Often our trib­al mem­o­ries of events like this are stored in music rather than analysis–remember “Hey Bud­dy, Can You Spare a Dime?”:

They used to tell me I was build­ing a dream
And so I fol­lowed the mob
When there was earth to plow or guns to bear
I was always there right on the job

Prof Steve Keen YouTube Channel in business again

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Some time back a YouTube Chan­nel “Prof­Steve­Keen” was estab­lished to col­late my video inter­views. It’s been inac­tive since then, but recent­ly Syd­ney writer/director and mul­ti­me­dia reporter Ben­ny Sutton–who has more than a decade’s expe­ri­ence in film­mak­ing and Aus­tralian broad­cast journalism–volunteered to pro­duce pro­fes­sion­al­ly record­ed, reg­u­lar “Vid­casts” on a range of top­ics.

The first two, on whether the US econ­o­my will expe­ri­ence a “Dou­ble Dip”, have now been post­ed to YouTube; you can watch them below, or via sub­scrib­ing to the YouTube Chan­nel.

Will there be a US “Double Dip”? Part One

Invitation from 141 economists to join the World Economics Association

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We, the 141 econ­o­mists from the 40 coun­tries list­ed below, invite you to join the World Eco­nom­ics Asso­ci­a­tion which we are launch­ing today.

Two com­mit­ments list­ed in our Man­i­festo sum up the project.

1. To plu­ral­i­ty. The Asso­ci­a­tion will encour­age the free explo­ration of eco­nom­ic real­i­ty from any per­spec­tive that adds to the sum of our under­stand­ing. To this end, it advo­cates plu­ral­i­ty of thought, method and phi­los­o­phy.

2. To glob­al democ­ra­cy. The Asso­ci­a­tion will be demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly struc­tured so as not to allow its dom­i­na­tion by one coun­try or one con­ti­nent.