Here is a short insightful article from europe online magazine about panic and uncertainty over the Greek financial future. To quote the article:
We will have to wait and see what is to come after Sunday’s election outcome…
Here is a short insightful article from europe online magazine about panic and uncertainty over the Greek financial future. To quote the article:
We will have to wait and see what is to come after Sunday’s election outcome…
Check out Steve’s latest interview with Chris Martenson.
In his recent paper entitled A culture of mania: a psychoanalytic view of the incubation of the 2008 credit crisis , Professor Mark Stein develops a theoretical framework around the notion of a manic culture, comprised of four aspects: denial; omnipotence; triumphalism; and over-activity.
“A series of major ruptures in capitalist economies were observed and noted by those in positions of economic and political leadership in Western societies,” he said. “These ruptures caused considerable anxiety among these leaders, but rather than heeding the lessons, they responded by manic, omnipotent and triumphant attempts to prove the superiority of their economies.”
John Hempton from Bronte Capital expands on the theme of systemic challenges currently facing the Chinese economy that we touched on last week with The End of the Communist Dynasty
The Macroeconomics of Chinese kleptocracy China is a kleptocracy of a scale never seen before in human history. This post aims to explain how this wave of theft is financed, what makes it sustainable and what will make it fail. There are several China experts I have chatted with – and many of the ideas are not original. The synthesis however is mine. Some sources do not want to be quoted.
By David Lawson
Click here for excel data: Debtwatch; CfESI
The recent stall in Commonwealth Government Securities on issue will continue to put pressure on the Reserve Bank of Australia to reduce the cash rate. As noted by Glenn Stevens in this weeks Media Release on the June Monetary Policy Decision:
10-year bond yields averaged a decline of 3 basis points per trading day for the month of April. The spread on government bond yields and the Target rate continues to widen.
“From Financial Crisis to Stagnation: The Destruction of Shared Prosperity and the Role of Economics” by Thomas Palley, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
If you missed the interview live, here is the podcast link:
And here is the tinyURL equivalent:
Going live in 2 minutes. Click below to listen:
By Craig Tindale
There is a crisis of confidence unfolding in China that is likely to end in a full scale capital flight and a disorderly collapse in both economic and political cohesiveness. The lowering of the reserve requirements for Chinese banks, while reported in the media as a loosening of credit, is more likely an early sign of capital flight. Similarly reflective of this, are the large increases of gold purchases by Chinese citizens who have few diversification options away from the RMB.