Many Happy Returns? 5 years of crisis

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On this day 5 years ago, the glob­al eco­nom­ic cri­sis began. The trig­ger was the deci­sion by BNP to sus­pend redemp­tions from funds that were linked to the US hous­ing mar­ket. Those of us who had been expect­ing a debt-defla­tion­ary cri­sis
and warn­ing about it
for some time (see also here and here) could nev­er have picked the trig­ger itself—that would have been prophe­cy, not prediction—but very rapid­ly it was clear that this was it.

(Click here for this post in PDF)

Fig­ure 1

Star Commentators of the Australian Home Loan and Property Market

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The site “Home­Loan­Find­er” has pub­lished an amus­ing set of pro­files of com­men­ta­tors on the Aus­tralian prop­er­ty mar­ket, includ­ing yours tru­ly. As well as pro­vid­ing some cute car­i­ca­tures, it gives con­tact details for us all.

Australian Home Loan and Property Market Star Image

Put your mon­ey where your mouth is! For some of these finan­cial com­men­ta­tors that’s not always such a good idea. We take you through some of the loud­est mouths in the home loan and hous­ing indus­try.

The Number Crunchers

Video from the Union Solidarity International (USi) Conference

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Below is the video from the online con­fer­ence with Union Sol­i­dar­i­ty Inter­na­tion­al (USi) held on Mon­day 30th July. USi is an organ­i­sa­tion sup­port­ed by major UK and Irish trade unions that aims to build grass­roots inter­na­tion­al union sol­i­dar­i­ty using the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy.

The Fed’s 2% Inflation Target Trap

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Thomas I. Pal­ley

Senior Eco­nom­ic Pol­i­cy Advi­sor, AFL-CIO

The Fed­er­al Reserve has now open­ly adopt­ed a two per­cent infla­tion tar­get, with both Chair­man Bernanke and the Fed­er­al Open Mar­ket Com­mit­tee pub­licly com­mit­ting to hold­ing infla­tion at that lev­el. Though not a prob­lem today, this two per­cent tar­get rep­re­sents a pol­i­cy trap that will under­cut the pos­si­bil­i­ty of future wage increas­es despite on-going pro­duc­tiv­i­ty growth.  That promis­es to aggra­vate exist­ing prob­lems of income inequal­i­ty and demand short­age.

The Investor’s Corner

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Finan­cial Self-Defense Dur­ing a Delever­ag­ing Cycle

By Paul Valle­jo

It is always use­ful to read out­side-of-the-box thinkers. It is a well known max­im in the invest­ing world that “you can­not make mon­ey off of what every­one knows,” as mar­ket prices have already react­ed to what every­one knows.  This makes the field of per­son­al finance some­thing par­tic­u­lar­ly dan­ger­ous to be over­ly reliant on wide­ly held “expert” advice.

Union Solidarity International (USi) conference

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On Mon­day 30 July at 7am Syd­ney time and 10PM GMT on Sun­day Steve will be par­tak­ing in an online con­fer­ence with Union Sol­i­dar­i­ty Inter­na­tion­al (USi). USi is an organ­i­sa­tion sup­port­ed by major UK and Irish trade unions that aims to build grass­roots inter­na­tion­al union sol­i­dar­i­ty using the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy.  Please vis­it their web­site for more infor­ma­tion on the event.

On the Grass with Genevieve Tran

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As not­ed in an ear­li­er blog post (A Galilean Ges­ture: Eat­ing with Dr. Steve Keen), one of the atten­dees at the talk Jim Stan­ford and the  Cana­di­an Cen­tre for Pol­i­cy Alter­na­tives orga­nized for me in Toron­to was the blog­ger Genevieve Tran, whose cause is improv­ing finan­cial lit­er­a­cy. She per­suad­ed me to take one day off from the Fields Insti­tute while  to vis­it Toron­to’s Cen­tre Island–a com­bined park and nature reserve just a kilo­me­tre or so off­shore. As we wan­dered among the ducks and geese (but com­plete­ly failed to con­nect with the pea­cocks), she grilled me about strange species of which I am unde­ni­ably one–the Tyra­nosaurus Econ­o­mist. Here’s her take on the con­ver­sa­tion (you can read more of Genevieve’s take on mon­ey, the uni­verse, and every­thing at her blog Mon­ey Big and Small).