What is the World Economics Association?

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For par­tic­i­pants of the Hong Kong INET Con­fer­ence

What is the
World Eco­nom­ics Asso­ci­a­tion?

The World Eco­nom­ics Asso­ci­a­tion (WEA) was launched in May 2011. The WEA seeks to increase the rel­e­vance, breadth and depth of eco­nom­ic thought. Its key qual­i­ties are world­wide mem­ber­ship and gov­er­nance, and inclu­sive­ness with respect to: (a) the vari­ety of the­o­ret­i­cal per­spec­tives; (b) the range of human activ­i­ties and issues which fall with­in the broad domain of eco­nom­ics; and © the study of the world’s diverse economies.

Final Kickstarter Sprint

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I’m lov­ing the final sprint that peo­ple are doing as the cam­paign approach­es its end–many thanks!

At the same time, I’ve been using Min­sky to write my paper for the forth­com­ing annu­al INET con­fer­ence in Hong Kong on April. I can’t upload them here–I’m at a friend’s place in San Diego with a new lap­top and I’ve for­got­ten my cPan­el login details to debt-deflation!–but I’ll post them when I get home. In the mean­time, here is a screen­shot.

Minsky Breakdown

Europe goes Troppo

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John Lennon’s best line in a life­time of song-writ­ing was “life is what hap­pens when you’re busy mak­ing oth­er plans”. I had planned today to write about the excel­lent Atlantic Month­ly The Econ­o­my Sum­mit 2013 con­fer­ence I spoke at in Wash­ing­ton on Wednes­day, where it seemed that senior fig­ures in the US were final­ly start­ing to realise that pri­vate debt, not pub­lic, was the main game in a debt-defla­tion.

Then “I read the news today, oh boy”. I woke at 4am on Sun­day to the news that the EU has con­fis­cat­ed 10 per cent of depos­i­tors’ funds in its ‘bailout’ of Cyprus, in a move that will raise around €6 bil­lion. Lennon didn’t go far enough. It seems polit­i­cal sui­cide is also what hap­pens when you’re busy mak­ing oth­er plans.

13 hours left to help Kickstart Minsky

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The Kick­starter cam­paign for Min­sky has been a success–almost $70,000 has been raised–but as with any soft­ware project, so much more can be done with more pro­gram­ming time. Each addi­tion­al $140 buys anoth­er hour of pro­gram­ming by both Dr Rus­sell Stan­dish & Nathan Moses. We’ve done a lot with just over 1,000 hours of pro­gram­ming fund­ed by the orig­i­nal INET Grant, and the mon­ey raised by Kick­starter will add rough­ly anoth­er 500 hours to that. But I esti­mate that to take Min­sky to its full poten­tial will take 10 to 20 thou­sand hours of pro­gram­ming.


Krugman doesn’t understand IS-LM (Part 4)

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This is the con­clud­ing arti­cle in a four-part series. View part one here, part two here, and part three here.

But first, a word about my Kick­starter cam­paign to raise funds to devel­op Min­sky, a tool for design­ing strict­ly mon­e­tary macro­eco­nom­ic mod­els:

There are only 58 hours left to help Kick­start Min­sky! We’ve raised $65,000 now, which puts us with­in strik­ing dis­tance of our first stretch goals:


About 1400 hours of total pro­gram­ming time will enable Rus­sell to com­plete the “Mun” release, which will focus on improv­ing the graph­ics and pre­sen­ta­tion aspects of the pro­gram.

Talking Kickstarter with Max Keiser

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I was a speak­er at The Atlantic Month­ly’s excel­lent The Econ­o­my 2013 sum­mit in Wash­ing­ton this week, and I took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to drop into New York and meet up with two good friends, Lau­ren Lyster (Yahoo Finance Dai­ly Tick­er) and Max Keis­er (The Keis­er Report).

Max in par­tic­u­lar gave me a plat­form for pro­mot­ing this cam­paign:

I mean “plat­form” almost lit­er­al­ly: Max’s stu­dio on his vis­it to NYC is out­doors, 14 floors above a rail­way junc­tion in Man­hat­tan! That–and con­struc­tion on the rail­way line–is the expla­na­tion for the noise you can hear in the back­ground.

Krugman doesn’t understand IS-LM (Part 3)

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This arti­cle is the third piece in a four-part series. Read part one here and part two here.

But first, a word about my Kick­starter cam­paign to raise funds to devel­op Min­sky, a tool for design­ing strict­ly mon­e­tary macro­eco­nom­ic mod­els:

There are only 3 days left to help Kick­start Min­sky! We’ve raised $63,200 now, which puts us with­in strik­ing dis­tance of our first stretch goals:


About 1400 hours of total pro­gram­ming time will enable Rus­sell to com­plete the “Mun” release, which will focus on improv­ing the graph­ics and pre­sen­ta­tion aspects of the pro­gram.

Krugman doesn’t understand IS-LM (Part 2)

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This is the sec­ond install­ment in a 4 part post; click this link for the first part. But first, a word about my Kick­starter cam­paign to raise funds to devel­op Min­sky, a tool for design­ing strict­ly mon­e­tary macro­eco­nom­ic mod­els:

There are only 5 days left to help Kick­start Min­sky! We’ve raised $61,500 now, which puts us with­in strik­ing dis­tance of our first stretch goals:


About 1400 hours of total pro­gram­ming time will enable Rus­sell to com­plete the “Mun” release, which will focus on improv­ing the graph­ics and pre­sen­ta­tion aspects of the pro­gram.

Krugman doesn’t understand IS-LM (Part 1)

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This is a post in at least 4 parts; for part 1, click this link to the Busi­ness Spec­ta­tor arti­cle.

There are only 10 days left to help Kick­start Min­sky! Help us reach our stretch goals:


About 1400 hours of total pro­gram­ming time will enable Rus­sell to com­plete the “Mun” release, which will focus on improv­ing the graph­ics and pre­sen­ta­tion aspects of the pro­gram.

Nathan will also be able to devel­op a ver­sion of Min­sky for iPad and Android Tablets.

NICTA Talk on Minsky

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I was invit­ed to give a talk at NICTA, Aus­trali­a’s main cen­tre for fos­ter­ing research and devel­op­ment in the infor­ma­tion, com­put­er and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions indus­tries, on Min­sky. I am hop­ing that they will adopt Min­sky as a research project–both in terms of fund­ing and assist­ing its devel­op­ment. Click here for the Pow­er­point slides.

My talk to about 60 NICTA researchers con­cerns the Min­sky project, from its gen­e­sis in my mod­el­ing of Min­sky’s Finan­cial Insta­bil­i­ty Hypoth­e­sis to my Kick­starter cam­paign to raise devel­op­ment funds.