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Behavioural Finance 2010

Behav­iour­al Finance 2009

  1. Recon­sid­er­ing Con­sumer Behav­iour (PDF)
  2. Recon­sid­er­ing Pro­duc­er Behav­iour (PDF)
  3. Recon­sid­er­ing Behav­iour in Finance (PDF)
  4. How the Data Killed CAPM (PDF)
  5. The Frac­tal Mar­kets Hypoth­e­sis (PDF)
  6. The Inef­fi­cient Mar­kets Hypoth­e­sis (PDF)
  7. Exper­i­ments in Eco­nom­ic & Finan­cial Behav­iour (to be post­ed lat­er)
  8. The sta­tis­tics on mon­ey and impli­ca­tions for finance and eco­nom­ics (PDF)
  9. The endoge­nous mon­ey per­spec­tive (PDF)
  10. Mod­el­ling Endoge­nous Mon­ey I (PDF)
  11. Mod­el­ling Endoge­nous Mon­ey II (PDF)

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