Calendar now active

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I’ve recent­ly added a Cal­en­dar wid­get to the blog–just below the login wid­get on the left hand side.

I will use it to main­tain a cal­en­dar of upcom­ing pub­lic events–and also con­fer­ences where I am speaking–as well as media cov­er­age, if I get enough notice of it. The wid­get is very well designed–days coloured red to indi­cate an activ­i­ty; hov­er over a high­light­ed day to see a sum­ma­ry; click on the date to get full details.

The first event there is a dis­cus­sion about the cri­sis on the Sky News Pro­gram “On the Record”, at 8am this morn­ing.

A discussion forum as well??

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It has been sug­gest­ed to me that the num­ber (and breadth) of dis­cus­sions here has grown so much that this would be bet­ter served by estab­lish­ing a dis­cus­sion forum, as well as the blog.

Then dis­cus­sions on giv­en top­ics could be main­tained on threads on the dis­cus­sion site, while com­ments to the blog would be specif­i­cal­ly on the top­ic of a giv­en post­ing.

I am inter­est­ed in how many oth­ers think this would be a good idea, and also of course in any draw­backs that peo­ple could antic­i­pate.

Could we have a dis­cus­sion here please, on this top­ic and none oth­er?

Today Tonight’s “Changing Times”

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Today Tonight’s James Thomas put togeth­er “Chang­ing Times”, an excel­lent pro­gram on what a Depres­sion is like, and the dan­ger that we may be fac­ing one today.

The cen­tre­piece of the sto­ry was an inter­view with Eric Aarons, who at almost 90, lived through the Great Depres­sion. His rec­ol­lec­tions frame an item that includes archival footage of the then Labor Par­ty Prime Min­is­ter Scullin describ­ing the tur­moil of 1929 with the words “Aus­tralia is fac­ing today the gravest finan­cial cri­sis in its his­to­ry”.

Plus ca change…

If you haven’t seen Chang­ing Times yet, please do so.

Fabulous attack on neoclassical economics by Anatole Kaletsky

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Economists are the forgotten guilty men

Academics — and their mad theories — are to blame for the financial crisis. They too deserve to be hauled into the dock”

So begins Ana­tole Kalet­sky’s essay in The Times for Feb­ru­ary 5 2009. He is spot on. Eco­nom­ic the­o­ry played a direct role in this cri­sis, by legit­imis­ing the dereg­u­la­tion of finance and encour­ag­ing the prof­li­gate lend­ing of finan­cial insti­tu­tions. There is much more that is wrong with the the­o­ry that dom­i­nates aca­d­e­m­ic economics–known as “neo­clas­si­cal economics”–enough to fill sev­er­al books. My Debunk­ing Eco­nom­ics : the naked emper­or of the social sci­ences was one such book; in it I tried to explain all the tech­ni­cal flaws in eco­nom­ic the­o­ry to a non-math­e­mat­i­cal audi­ence.

Talk Tonight & Today Tonight

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The Today Tonight seg­ment has been delayed till this evening (Wednes­day Feb­ru­ary 4th)–which is a pity in a way because I will also be speak­ing at a pub­lic forum tonight at Cir­cu­lar Quay organ­ised by the Prop­er­ty Knowl­edge Forum: An excerpt from the pro­mo­tion­al fly­er:


When will the bot­tom hit? Are we in store for 40% drops in prop­er­ty or has the recov­ery already begun?

Today Tonight on possibility of Depression

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Chan­nel Sev­en’s Today Tonight is doing a piece on whether we might face a Depres­sion, and if so what it might be like. It should go to air tomorrow–Tuesday Feb­ru­ary 3rd.

They have inter­viewed me for analy­sis, and Eric Aarons–who lived through the Great Depres­sion and at 90 is still a dynam­ic sculp­tor and author.

They also want to speak to any­one who has lost their job recently–specifically if pos­si­ble as a result of the glob­al finan­cial cri­sis.

So if any­one out there is will­ing to speak on cam­era about it, please con­tact the jour­nal­ist James Thomas:

Steve Keen’s DebtWatch No 31 February 2009: “The Roving Cavaliers of Credit”

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Click on Marx’s image to down­load this post in PDF for­mat

Talk about cen­tral­i­sa­tion! The cred­it sys­tem, which has its focus in the so-called nation­al banks and the big mon­ey-lenders and usurers sur­round­ing them, con­sti­tutes enor­mous cen­tral­i­sa­tion, and gives this class of par­a­sites the fab­u­lous pow­er, not only to peri­od­i­cal­ly despoil indus­tri­al cap­i­tal­ists, but also to inter­fere in actu­al pro­duc­tion in a most dan­ger­ous man­ner— and this gang knows noth­ing about pro­duc­tion and has noth­ing to do with it.” [1]

A China Tale

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I’ve just been inter­viewed for an SBS News piece on Chi­na (for non-Aus­tralian read­ers, SBS is Aus­trali­a’s mul­ti­cul­tur­al tele­vi­sion sta­tion, and its news has a strong inter­na­tion­al focus).

Ordi­nar­i­ly I don’t com­ment on Chi­na, because I don’t know enough about their econ­o­my right now–except to deride the belief that was pop­u­lar in Aus­tralia last year that our exports to Chi­na would insu­late us from the glob­al down­turn. “Decou­pling” they called it–China was sup­posed to have its own inter­nal growth dynam­ic that would mean it would con­tin­ue grow­ing and buy­ing our raw mate­ri­als even as the OECD tanked. This theory–ironically spout­ed by the same peo­ple who once tout­ed that the world is now glob­alised and every­thing affects (and ben­e­fits) every­thing else–is now rather less pop­u­lar as Chi­na’s growth has slowed.

DebtWatch No 29 December 2008

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What’s Real­ly Going On? or…

Why Did I See it Com­ing and “They” Did­n’t?

Part 2: The Mod­els

But this long run is a mis­lead­ing guide to cur­rent affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Econ­o­mists set them­selves too easy, too use­less a task if in tem­pes­tu­ous sea­sons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.” (Keynes, A Tract on Mon­e­tary Reform, 1924)

In last mon­th’s Debt­watch, I explained why the data side of why the “Finan­cial Insta­bil­i­ty Hypoth­e­sis” enabled me to pre­dict this cri­sis, long before con­ven­tion­al “neo­clas­si­cal” econ­o­mists had any idea it was approach­ing.