INET and my Minsky model

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The Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald ran a sto­ry and video on my sim­u­la­tion mod­el “Min­sky” today:

It’s time to put mon­ey into the equa­tion, says pro­fes­sor

This link to the video on the SMH web­site is below:

For the con­ve­nience of over­seas read­ers, I’ve repro­duced the sto­ry and the video below

It’s time to put money into the equation, says professor

(Sto­ry by Gareth Hutchens)

THE glob­al finan­cial cri­sis, the lat­est episode of which boiled over last week, did more than destroy wealth and jobs, or embar­rass the rat­ing agen­cies.