I was invited to give a talk at NICTA, Australia’s main centre for fostering research and development in the information, computer and telecommunications industries, on Minsky. I am hoping that they will adopt Minsky as a research project–both in terms of funding and assisting its development. Click here for the Powerpoint slides.
My talk to about 60 NICTA researchers concerns the Minsky project, from its genesis in my modeling of Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis to my Kickstarter campaign to raise development funds.
Funding for Minksy has reached $58,000, but is growing very slowly. While this exceeds our minimum target, we can do so much more–see our “stretch goals” below. There are 11 days to go in which you can still help us fund Minsky’s further development. Please hop over to Kickstarter now and make a pledge.
Stretch Goals:
About 1400 hours of total programming time will enable Russell to complete the “Mun” release, which will focus on improving the graphics and presentation aspects of the program.
Nathan will also be able to develop a version of Minsky for iPad and Android Tablets.
With twice as much as the original INET Grant, we should be able to complete stage 2 of Minsky—the “Quesnay” release named in honor of the person I regard as the world’s first dynamic economist, Francois Quesnay—in which the platform could support the construction of multi-bank model of the financial sector, and multi-commodity model of production.
We will add an OLAP back-end for storage & analysis of economic data and model calibration. As with Minsky itself, this data engine will use a novel visual metaphor to display and analyze multi-dimensional data.
With $1,000,000 or more
This is my dream goal. With $1 million, I can hire Russell, Nathan for 3 years full-time. That will enable us to take Minsky all the way to stage 3—where it can model multiple countries, multiple banks, and financial and physical flows for multiple commodities, and where it can perform nonlinear parameter optimization to fit models to data.