Several members have pointed out that I got the month wrong: the meeting to form the Association will take place this coming Tuesday–which is March 9, not April 9 as I first posted here.
My apologies for the confusion. In any case, it looks like quite a few people were able to see past my slip and we now have about 15 members signed up for dinner this Tuesday at a rather nice venue in Sydney (I will stick to just letting people know where by return email). The cost for the dinner will be $65 per person, and it will start at 7pm at a venue not too far from Sydney’s CBD.
If you would like to join us, there’s still time for me to expand the numbers; just drop me an email at debunking at gmail dot com.
I will try to keep the formal side of the evening to a minimum. We have to:
Adopt a model constitution for Associations;
Agree for a few objectives specific to our own Association;
Nominate 3 names (one of which will be used to name the Association);
Elect office bearers (President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary) and 3 ordinary members of the Committee.
Some other blog members have volunteered to help with legal and accounting requirements, for which I am very grateful. As noted, the Association’s main role will be to administer the funds raised by the donation widgets here and on, and authorise expenditure occasionally (with the most urgent expenditures being associated with the Walk to Kosciousko in April). Otherwise we’ll continue to be the virtual community we are now.