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As most Aus­tralian read­ers would know, I recent­ly lost half of a bet over Aus­tralian house prices when the Gov­ern­men­t’s “First Home Own­ers Boost”–which I pre­fer to call the First Home Ven­dors Boost–reignited Aus­trali­a’s house price bub­ble.

As a result, I’m walk­ing from Aus­trali­a’s Par­lia­ment House to Aus­trali­a’s high­est moun­tain, Mt Kosciousko–a dis­tance of 224km (140 miles). The walk will start at 2pm on Thurs­day April 15 from the entrance to Par­lia­ment House and–my legs willing–finish 8 days lat­er on the sum­mit of Mt Kosciousko (which is 2228 metres–or about 7000 feet–above sea lev­el).

I have start­ed a new blog to sup­port the walk, which I will use to draw atten­tion to the absur­di­ty of bas­ing eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy on mak­ing hous­ing less afford­able.

I would be delight­ed to have the com­pa­ny of any blog mem­bers or read­ers who can spare an after­noon for a 15km or so walk with me. Full details are giv­en on the oth­er blog, but in a nut­shell I will be run­ning about 15km every morn­ing, and walk­ing about the same dis­tance every after­noon start­ing at about 2pm (any­one who can make it to Can­ber­ra one evening should have no dif­fi­cul­ty dri­ving to the start of any giv­en day’s walk, since the entire dri­ve from Can­ber­ra to Mt Kosciousko can be done in less than 3 hours).

The site won’t be as active as Debtwatch–I can bare­ly han­dle the work­load from one blog, let alone two! (Inci­den­tal­ly, Debt­watch is now get­ting about 60,000 unique read­ers each month). It has a sta­t­ic front page explain­ing why I’m doing the walk, and oth­er pages for spon­sor­ship, talk­ing about the char­i­ty I’ll be sup­port­ing, and so on. Dur­ing the walk itself I’ll blog fre­quent­ly about the day’s activ­i­ties, how I’m bear­ing up phys­i­cal­ly, who came along for the day, etc.

I repro­duce the press release launch­ing the new site below. Please go to the site to read the “Why I’m Walk­ing” front page, which is an expo­si­tion on the hous­ing bub­ble in Aus­tralia. I’ll copy that post to here in a few days time, but for now I’d like to get the new site inau­gu­rat­ed with a large num­ber of vis­i­tors.

And if you can afford a day or so to come along and join me for the walk, please do sign up!

Launch of

Steve Keen lost half of a famous bet with Mac­quar­ie Bank’s Rory Robert­son when Aus­tralian house prices set a new record in Sep­tem­ber of last year. As a result, Steve is walk­ing from Par­lia­ment House in Can­ber­ra to Mt Kosciousko—a dis­tance of 224km. The walk will start on April 15th at 2pm. Steve plans to cov­er about 30km a day and fin­ish in the after­noon of April 23rd.

Steve is hard­ly cowed by hav­ing lost half of the bet. “The main bet, over whether house prices here would fall by about 40% over 10–15 years as they did in Japan, is still alive and well”, he not­ed. “Rory may yet have to fol­low in my foot­steps.”

He also com­ment­ed that even crit­ics of his out­spo­ken views on the econ­o­my agree that the Rudd Government’s “First Home Own­ers Boost” was the main rea­son house prices were still ris­ing a year after Robert­son pro­posed the bet. “Even Ter­ry McCrann, who’s hard­ly a fan of mine, agreed that my nick­name for it—the First Home Ven­dors Boost—is apt (“Behav­ing stu­pid­ly on first home buy­er grant”, Her­ald-Sun Novem­ber 3rd 2009). All the Boost did was dri­ve up prices, as first home buy­ers used the extra A$7,000 to bor­row anoth­er $30–50,000 that they hand­ed over to the sell­ers.”

Now, as Fujit­su Con­sult­ing has shown, almost half of those new own­ers are finan­cial­ly stressed. The mon­ey they bor­rowed stim­u­lat­ed the econ­o­my, but what will hap­pen to them and the econ­o­my when they can’t afford to keep up the pay­ments? They are poten­tial­ly the sac­ri­fi­cial lambs of Australia’s so far suc­cess­ful eva­sion of the GFC.”

I’m hap­py to walk from Par­lia­ment House to Mt Kosciousko if I can draw atten­tion to the absur­di­ty of bas­ing eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy on mak­ing hous­ing more unaf­ford­able.”

Today Pro­fes­sor Keen launched the web­site, which will sup­port the walk and raise funds for the char­i­ty Swags for Home­less.

Swags for Home­less is a bril­liant Aus­tralian inno­va­tion, pro­vid­ing real help now to the 16,000 peo­ple sleep­ing rough in this Lucky Coun­try. Every $60 raised will pro­vide one home­less per­son with a portable weath­er­proof swag, to make those evenings in the open less uncom­fort­able.”

Pro­fes­sor Keen will do the walk solo if nec­es­sary, but he’s more than hap­py to be joined by oth­ers. “If you agree that Australia’s hous­ing prices and poli­cies are crazy, and you can man­age a 15km walk, then sign up at and join me for an after­noon stroll on the road to Mt Kosciousko.”

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