I am giving a talk on the blog today at Swinburne University in Melbourne, and frankly I am not all that prepared on the main issue of interest to the organisers there, which is the educational impact of this blog (and blogging in general) versus other forms of education.
I just established this blog to get the Debtwatch report out initially, and it’s grown in both size and personality in ways that I never envisaged. It’s been very gratifying, but I haven’t really had the time to reflect on they whys and hows of the process of blogging.
I would really appreciate having members provide comments on this specific issue, which I will be able to bring up in real time during the talk today.
Specific questions include:
1. How have you found this blog (and blogs in general) as an educational medium?
2. Your reflections on the blog as a community: how engaged are you in this, especially in comparison to your (if necessary!) memories of your engagement in your formal education?
Finally, thoughts in general are most welcome on the blog itself.
Cheers, Steve
PS I won’t be able to respond to any messages for at least 30 hours.