This is late notice for a seminar being held tomorrow (Wednesday 12th) from 6–8pm at Kingston University’s Penrhyn Road campus in room JG4003 (4th floor of the main teaching building at Kingston) to introduce the system dynamics modeling program Minsky.
System dynamics programs allow dynamic models to be constructed using flowcharts to define and simulate the equations of a system. Minsky adds something no other program has: a simple means of modeling financial flows.
This seminar will introduce the concept of system dynamics in general, and also the unique feature of Minsky: the use of a double-entry bookkeeping tool called a “Godley Table” to model financial flows, which are impossibly difficult to model in the standard flowchart paradigm employed by all other system dynamics programs.
This is a hands-on seminar: you will install Minsky on a PC in this computer lab (or on your own laptop if you bring that and have internet access), then construct a few simple models, and finally develop a model of the Neoclassical vision of money known as Loanable Funds. You will then very quickly alter this to a model of Endogenous Money.
The seminar is free, as indeed is Minsky itself since it is an Open Source program. If you wish, you can download it from
I look forward to seeing you at the seminar. If you wish to attend, please contact Julian Wells (Julian.Wells AT Kingston DOT ac DOT uk) by 4m today–as I said, it is late notice!