Genevieve Tran, who blogs at Money Big and Small, is teaming up with graphic artist Miguel Guerra and Suzy Dias, who do the cartoons on IDEAeconomics and produce the indi-comic Super Corporate Heroes, are teaming up to produce a graphic novel version of Debunking Economics.
Genevieve is putting together a video and has sent out the following call:
A request to world-wide friends: if you don’t remember ever learning about important things like how banks, debt or money work (=Economics, Finance!), in high school, could I ask you to submit a video of yourself shrugging and shaking your head? It’s for a kickstarter video to learn about Economics in a non-horrible way: thru comic books! Yes, I’ll give you a first copy! Any video quality. H.264, MPEG‑2, MPEG‑4, DV, and AIC format.
So if you fit the bill, and want to help, send a short clip to me at debunking AT gmail DOT com, and I’ll pass it on to Genevieve.