Krugman doesn’t understand IS-LM (Part 4)

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This is the con­clud­ing arti­cle in a four-part series. View part one here, part two here, and part three here.

But first, a word about my Kick­starter cam­paign to raise funds to devel­op Min­sky, a tool for design­ing strict­ly mon­e­tary macro­eco­nom­ic mod­els:

There are only 58 hours left to help Kick­start Min­sky! We’ve raised $65,000 now, which puts us with­in strik­ing dis­tance of our first stretch goals:


About 1400 hours of total pro­gram­ming time will enable Rus­sell to com­plete the “Mun” release, which will focus on improv­ing the graph­ics and pre­sen­ta­tion aspects of the pro­gram.

Nathan will also be able to devel­op a ver­sion of Min­sky for iPad and Android Tablets.

I’m also not about to give up hope that we might make the sec­ond stretch goal:


With twice as much as the orig­i­nal INET Grant, we should be able to com­plete stage 2 of Min­sky—the “Ques­nay” release named in hon­or of the per­son I regard as the world’s first dynam­ic econ­o­mist, Fran­cois Ques­nay—in which the plat­form could sup­port the con­struc­tion of mul­ti-bank mod­el of the finan­cial sec­tor, and a mul­ti-com­mod­i­ty mod­el of pro­duc­tion.

Krug­man does­n’t under­stand IS-LM (Part 4)

So where is the econ­o­my, in terms of the IS-LM dia­gram? It isn’t, as soon as you acknowl­edge that the econ­o­my is in dis­e­qui­lib­ri­um, the IS-LM mod­el can’t be used to rep­re­sent it.

Some neo­clas­si­cal econ­o­mists think you can make IS-LM into a dynam­ic mod­el by draw­ing phase dia­grams onto an IS-LM back­drop, show­ing how the mod­el will move when you start from a dis­e­qui­lib­ri­um posi­tion. But that doesn’t work either, and again this is because the mod­el is fun­da­men­tal­ly a Wal­rasian one – not a Key­ne­sian one.

Have you ever won­dered how a pur­port­ed­ly macro­eco­nom­ic tool like IS-LM can omit the labour mar­ket? It does so because John Hicks used Wal­ras’ Law to ignore it: using the log­ic that if the goods (IS) and mon­ey (LM) mar­kets were both in equi­lib­ri­um, any third mar­ket must also be. But this depends cru­cial­ly on equi­lib­ri­um: in equi­lib­ri­um, using Wal­ras’ log­ic, as Hicks did to con­ceive of IS-LM in the first place, you can omit a third cru­cial mar­ket from a gen­er­al mod­el because it will be deter­mined by what hap­pens in the oth­er two:

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.