Star Commentators of the Australian Home Loan and Property Market

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The site “Home­Loan­Find­er” has pub­lished an amus­ing set of pro­files of com­men­ta­tors on the Aus­tralian prop­er­ty mar­ket, includ­ing yours tru­ly. As well as pro­vid­ing some cute car­i­ca­tures, it gives con­tact details for us all.

Australian Home Loan and Property Market Star Image

Put your mon­ey where your mouth is! For some of these finan­cial com­men­ta­tors that’s not always such a good idea. We take you through some of the loud­est mouths in the home loan and hous­ing indus­try.

The Number Crunchers

Christopher Joye

Christopher Joye

Cur­rent Role: Exec­u­tive Direc­tor & Strate­gic Advi­sor to Ris­mark Inter­na­tion­al & Yel­low Brick Roads Funds Man­age­ment & Research Affil­i­ate, The Cen­tre for ideas and The Econ­o­my Mel­bourne Uni­ver­si­ty.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Direc­tor, The Men­zies Research Cen­tre.
You can find his com­ments in: His blog Aussie Macro Moments, Switzer (Expert), Prop­er­ty Observ­er (Econ­o­my Observ­er), Smart Com­pa­ny, Crikey.

A keen com­men­ta­tor who reacts to eco­nom­ic devel­op­ments with­in sec­onds of their occur­rence.

Joye shot to fame in 2003 for his work on hous­ing afford­abil­i­ty for the Howard gov­ern­ment and has been a respect­ed name in eco­nom­ic cir­cles since.

His blog, Aussie Macro Moments, acts as home-base for all of Joye’s views and opin­ions – and with get­ting there being as sim­ple as a click of the mouse lazi­ness is no excuse for not access­ing one of the keen­est eco­nom­ic minds in the coun­try.

Con­nect with Christo­pher: Fol­low on Twit­ter | Sub­scribe to his blog | Down­load PDF

Tim Lawless

Tim Lawless


Cur­rent Role: Nation­al Research Direc­tor for RP Data.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Research Direc­tor at Col­liers Inter­na­tion­al, Research Direc­tor at PRD­na­tion­wide, Mar­ket ana­lyst and con­sul­tant at RP Data, Con­sul­tant at Mar­ket­share.
You can find his com­ments in: SMH, Prop­er­ty Observ­er, Real Estate Busi­ness, PR Data Blog

Lawless’s analy­sis of home val­ues and uptake enable him to com­ment on the mind­set of investors and how this relates to the mean val­ue of a res­i­den­tial prop­er­ty.

Some of Lawless’s top­ics include the rela­tion­ship between hous­ing demand and pop­u­la­tion growth, and the fluc­tu­at­ing val­ue of your home.

He is active on the social media front, his Twit­ter feed has some links to great arti­cles and he can be sur­pris­ing­ly fun­ny — that’s right, folks, there’s humour in eco­nom­ics.

Con­nect with Tim: Fol­low on Twit­ter | Fol­low RP Data on Twit­ter | Sub­scribe to the RP Data Blog





John Edwards

John Edwards

Cur­rent Role: CEO Residex.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: He has been at Residex for over twen­ty years.
You can find his com­ments in: Your Mon­ey Your Call, Switzer Media, Pri­vate Media (Smart Com­pa­ny, Prop­er­ty Observ­er), and all rep­utable pub­li­ca­tions.

Not the TV psy­chic who com­mu­ni­cates with the dead, Australia’s John Edwards is head and founder of Residex, the ying to RP Data’s yang.

His com­pa­ny pro­vides the banks and every­one else with a stake in the hous­ing indus­try, with data used for work­ing out the price of your home now and into the future. The Residex Report is avail­able for a fee, but his opin­ions can be found for free across a vari­ety of pub­li­ca­tions includ­ing the Residex blog. it fea­tures CEO updates, data from the cap­i­tal cities and links to the newslet­ter, reports and Edwards’s appear­ances in the media.

Con­nect with John: Fol­low on Twit­ter | Sub­scribe to his Blog




Paul Bloxham

Paul Bloxham

Cur­rent Role: Chief Econ­o­mist for Aus­tralia & New Zealand HSBC
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Econ­o­mist, Reserve Bank of Aus­tralia Eco­nom­ic Analy­sis Depart­ment.
You can find his com­ments in: Switzer Media, Pri­vate Media quot­ed in all major news pub­li­ca­tions.

Pri­or to his role at HSBC he was an eco­nom­ic ana­lyst with the Reserve Bank. Bloxham’s name fre­quent­ly appears across the media as jour­nal­ists seek his read­ing into the lat­est announce­ment from the Reserve Bank, or the lack there­of.

As chief econ­o­mist for the world’s local bank, it’s safe to assume he knows what he’s talk­ing about. His pre­dic­tions about a cut in the cash rate by June 2012 were on the mon­ey.

Con­nect with Paul: Sub­scribe to his arti­cles

Bernard Salt

Bernard Salt

Cur­rent Role: Part­ner, KPMG & Social Edi­tor, The Aus­tralian.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Research Econ­o­mist, Gee­long Region­al Com­mis­sion, Con­sul­tant, RT Jebb & Asso­ciates, Man­ag­er & Con­sul­tant, Coop­ers & Lybrand Con­sult­ing.
You can find his com­ments in: Research Econ­o­mist, Gee­long Region­al Com­mis­sion, Con­sul­tant, RT Jebb & Asso­ciates, Man­ag­er & Con­sul­tant, Coop­ers & Lybrand Con­sult­ing.

Bernard’s bread and but­ter is analysing and pre­dict­ing demo­graph­ic trends, includ­ing prop­er­ty.

His com­ments are based on the role of shift­ing demo­graph­ics and he is sought after with­in prop­er­ty cir­cles to talk about how this is going to affect your chances of secur­ing your dream home.

His first of many best-sell­ing books, The Big Shift, dealt with a pre­dict­ed spike in demand for res­i­den­tial prop­er­ty moti­vat­ed by the retire­ment of the baby boomers. As each gen­er­a­tion of Aus­tralians out­live the next, demog­ra­phers will play an increas­ing­ly impor­tant role in the hous­ing indus­try.

Con­nect with Bernard: Twit­ter | Book — The Big Shift | Oth­er Pub­li­ca­tions




scott haslemScott Haslem

Cur­rent Role: Chief Econ­o­mist Aus­tralia, UBS Invest­ment Bank.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Senior Econ­o­mist, Reserve Bank of Aus­tralia.
You can find his com­ments in: All rep­utable pub­li­ca­tions, there are too many to men­tion.

Scott was rat­ed the num­ber one mar­ket econ­o­mist in the 2005 – 2009 Aus­tralian BRW Equi­ties Mar­ket Report and was award­ed the best Aus­tralian eco­nom­ic fore­cast­er award by Bloomberg mag­a­zine in 2011. He is regard­ed as one of the lead­ing fore­cast­ers in the coun­try. And as a for­mer staffer for the RBA, Haslem is often called on to pro­vide expert insid­er com­ment and inter­pre­ta­tion of data and fig­ures, such as the uptake of fixed rate mort­gages and what this means for bor­row­er sen­ti­ment.

Con­nect with Scott: Scott isn’t social — Get Con­nect­ed!

Rory Robertson

Rory Robertson

Cur­rent Role: Econ­o­mist, West­pac.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Inter­est Rate Strate­gist, Mac­quar­ie Bank.
You can find his com­ments in: Dur­ing his ‘bub­ble debate’ peri­od, his name was every­where the word bub­ble could be found. Now he’s tak­ing a more sub­dued approach.

Robert­son got the nick-name ‘Rate-Cut-Rory’ back in the 90’s when he pre­dict­ed a series of 50bp rate cuts.

Recent­ly, he has been vocal on the top­ic of hous­ing prices. He won a bet with aca­d­e­m­ic Steve Keen over whether Australia’s hous­ing bub­ble was going to burst. Robert­son was will­ing to bet a 230km run on his word — at least you know he’s pas­sion­ate about his work.

Con­nect with Rory: Rory’s not Social — Get Con­nect­ed!

Shane Oliver

Shane Oliver

Cur­rent Role: Chief Econ­o­mist and Head of Invest­ment Strat­e­gy at AMP Cap­i­tal.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Oliv­er began as a researcher for AMP Cap­i­tal in 1984.
You can find his com­ments in: AMP Cap­i­tal Investors, Mon­ey Man­age­ment, and Mort­gage Busi­ness.

Whether it be a rate-cut or eco­nom­ic sta­bil­i­ty in Europe, Oliv­er is one of the main men the media turns to for analy­sis.

You can check out Oliver’s Insights reg­u­lar­ly on the AMP Cap­i­tal web­site. He has a skill for tak­ing oth­er­wise mind-bog­gling con­cepts and deliv­er­ing them to you in eas­i­ly digestible chunks of infor­ma­tion.

Con­nect with Oliv­erTwit­ter | Sub­scribe to his blog





Craig JamesCraig James

Cur­rent Role: Comm­sec Chief Econ­o­mist
Pre­vi­ous Roles: James became a chief econ­o­mist of the Colo­nial Group 1997. He then became a jour­nal­ist with the Finan­cial Review, before mov­ing onto a finan­cial com­men­ta­tor-style role with Comm­sec.
You can find his com­ments in: Craig James per­forms around 2–3 TV cross­es a day, ad-hoc radio and news­pa­per inter­views, as well as writ­ing reg­u­lar com­men­tary for Comm­sec.

Craig pro­vides his audi­ences with insights that they would be hard-stretched to find any­where else. From the ‘Ipod share mar­ket’ to the effect of weath­er pat­terns on the econ­o­my, his Comm­sec reports rarely ever fall short of the mark.

Craig James is the ver­i­ta­ble Tony Abbott of the finan­cial world — except with the data to back up his com­men­tary. Whether it be in the gym or in the board­room, he likes to flex his pow­er and imag­i­na­tion to bring some­thing dif­fer­ent to the finan­cial sphere.

Con­nect with CraigTwit­ter | Sub­scribe to his Switzer Blog




The Big Chiefs

Big Chiefs

Bill Evans

Cur­rent Role: Chief Econ­o­mist West­pac Group.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Research Man­ag­er RBA, Trea­sur­er Com­mon­wealth Bank, Direc­tor Finan­cial Mar­kets Schroders Aus­tralia Lim­it­ed.
You can find his com­ments in: Com­ments from the Big Chiefs can be found across all rep­utable pub­li­ca­tions.

Bill isn’t shy of a cam­era and you prob­a­bly recog­nise his face from his com­men­tary on the evening news. He is the most out­spo­ken of the big four chief econ­o­mists and when he speaks, a jour­nal­ist or cam­era­man is often close by. His 20 years of expe­ri­ence with West­pac is why you should be close by too!

Con­nect with BillWatch his lat­est Eco­nom­ic Update

Alan Oster

Cur­rent Role: NAB’s Group Chief Econ­o­mist.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Senior Advi­sor for the Fed­er­al Trea­sury, Trea­sury Rep­re­sen­ta­tive to the Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund.

Oster’s Mon­ey Basics series for NAB is a great tool for peo­ple look­ing to make sense of the finan­cial world around them. Sov­er­eign debt, Europe and hous­ing are just a few of the big issues Oster deals with on a dai­ly basis.

Michael Blythe

Cur­rent Role: Chief Econ­o­mist for the Com­mon­wealth Bank.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: RBA Eco­nom­ic Group. Senior Econ­o­mist.

Blythe isn’t afraid to make a call about hous­ing, the fed­er­al bud­get or any­thing he’s had some expe­ri­ence with over his career; which is pret­ty much every­thing.

Con­nect with MichaelSub­scribe to his blog

Warren Hogan

Cur­rent Role: ANZ Chief Econ­o­mist.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Head of inter­est rate and prod­uct research Cred­it Suisse First Boston.

Now that the ANZ has decid­ed to dis­tance itself from the Reserve Bank’s cash rate announce­ments in favour of indi­vid­ual pric­ing on the sec­ond Fri­day of the month, Hogan is one to watch for the bank’s take on their analy­sis of the health of the econ­o­my.

The Academic

Steve Keen

Steve Keen

Cur­rent Role: Pro­fes­sor of Eco­nom­ics & Finance at the Uni­ver­si­ty of West­ern Syd­ney
Pre­vi­ous Roles: A stint as a School Librar­i­an, Edu­ca­tion Offi­cer for an NGO, Con­fer­ence Organ­is­er, Com­put­er Pro­gram­mer, Jour­nal­ist, Com­put­er Press, Eco­nom­ic Com­men­ta­tor, ABC Radio Nation­al & Radio Aus­tralia — he’s done it all.
You can find his com­ments in: ABC Radio Nation­al & Radio Aus­tralia, Debt Defla­tion Blog, Debt Watch Report, Debunk­ing Eco­nom­ics, Hous­ing Afford­abil­i­ty Blog, Amer­i­can Real World Eco­nom­ics Review Blog & Busi­ness Spec­ta­tor.

Back in the eye of the GFC, Keen pre­dict­ed that hous­ing prices would fall by as much as 40%. Rory Robert­son took him up on this with a wager and the next thing you know Keen was on his way up to Australia’s high­est point. Although hous­ing prices did not come crash­ing down, Keen’s sup­port base has grown of late, which has most like­ly been bol­stered by his Amer­i­can Real World Eco­nom­ics Review Award for his pre­dic­tions about a glob­al hous­ing col­lapse.

Keen is a good one to keep an eye on for advanced pre­dic­tions about hous­ing prices and he has some inter­est­ing views about the nature of econ­o­my and debt.
Check his blog, Steve Keen’s Debt­watch, for infor­ma­tion about the glob­al debt bub­ble and how this relates to hous­ing.

Con­nect with Steve: Twit­ter | Sub­scribe to his Blog | Book — Debunk­ing Eco­nom­ics




The Golden Record

John Symond

John Symond

Cur­rent Role: Exec­u­tive Chair­man, Aussie.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: CEO, Mort­gage Accep­tance Cor­po­ra­tion
You can find his com­ments in: The Aussie Blog, Prop­er­ty Observ­er, AND all major print and broad­cast news out­lets.

Back in the 1990’s the bank­ing cli­mate was ripe for a cham­pi­on. Symond’s pulled him­self back from finan­cial death to launch Aussie Home Loans with the clar­i­on call to all Aus­tralians, ‘we’ll save you’.

To use a cou­ple of old clichés, adver­si­ty breeds suc­cess, the rest is his­to­ry and glo­ry lasts for­ev­er.

Symond is among the media’s go-to peo­ple for com­ment on rates and the mar­ket. When he has some­thing to say, his suc­cess­es speak for them­selves – and gen­er­al­ly loud­er than any oppo­si­tion.

Check the Aussie Home Loans blog for com­men­tary from the Aussie team and guest spots from indus­try experts like John McGrath. There is some prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion for first home-buy­ers through to the lighter side of prop­er­ty, like the fam­i­ly with the $250,000 Christ­mas light obses­sion. Also keep an eye on the Aussie Home Loans Twit­ter feed for updates on invest­ment tips through to mak­ing music in the kitchen.

Con­nect with John: Twit­ter | Sub­scribe to his blog | Book — Aussie John




Mark Bouris

Mark Bouris

Cur­rent Role: Exec­u­tive Chair­man, Yel­low Brick Road Finan­cial Ser­vices, Chair­man & exec­u­tive Direc­tor, TZ Lim­it­ed, Non-Exec­u­tive Chair­man Anteo Diagon­tics.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Founder, Wiz­ard Home Loans.
You can find his com­ments in: All major rep­utable pub­li­ca­tions.

It’s a resume that reads like a check­list for those look­ing to estab­lish eco­nom­ic cre­den­tials… Did the hard yards at the start of his career: check. Found­ed and direct­ed one of Australia’s largest non-bank lenders: check. Chair­man of a fed­er­al gov­ern­ment think-tank on eco­nom­ic com­merce: check. Pro­fes­sor of finance: check; bank­ing: check; and tax: check.

Indus­try leg­end, avant-garde finan­cial entre­pre­neur and media savvy busi­ness­man Mark Bouris can be found pro­vid­ing quotes and analy­sis to all the lead­ing print and online busi­ness and prop­er­ty pub­li­ca­tions. Bouris is also active on the social media front, and if you have a ques­tion, send him a Tweet. One of his recent arti­cles for Prop­er­ty Observ­er, ‘Bor­row­ers must exer­cise their free­dom of choice’, was in response to one of his fol­low­ers remarks.

Con­nect with Mark: Twit­ter | Book — The Yel­low Brick Road to Your Finan­cial Secu­ri­ty




John McGrath

John McGrath

Cur­rent Role: Chief Exec­u­tive of Mcgrath Estate Agents.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: He start­ed McGrath Real Estate at the ten­der age of 24, he prob­a­bly had a paper route before then.
You can find his com­ments in: Switzer (Expert) and all major print and broad­cast pub­li­ca­tion.

John McGrath has proved that bomb­ing out on your Year 12 exams is not the end of the world: he got 95 out of 500. At the time, it may not have been the best result, but it put him on the path to secur­ing his place among real­ty roy­al­ty.

McGrath is not afraid to make a call about where he sees the mar­ket head­ing in future months. Check his blog for no-non­sense com­ment, prac­ti­cal advice and pre­dic­tions. And he is not just a prop­er­ty man; his adven­ture into the mort­gage broking land­scape has proved noth­ing but a suc­cess; Oxy­gen Home Loans took out bro­ker­age of the year at the 2011 Aus­tralian Mort­gage Awards.

But on anoth­er note, we are all not John McGraths. Seri­ous­ly kids, study hard…

Con­nect with John: Sub­scribe to his blog | Book — The Ulti­mate Guide to Real Estate | Oth­er Pub­li­ca­tions


Michael Yardney

Michael Yardney

Cur­rent Role: Direc­tor, Metro­pole Prop­er­ty Strate­gists.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: He has been with Metro­pole for over 30 years.
You can find his com­ments in: All major news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines: 2GB, 3MTR, 2GO and ABC Dri­ve, Yahoo Finance, Prop­er­ty Observ­er, Smart Com­pa­ny, A.P.I Mag­a­zine & New Zealand Prop­er­ty Investor Mag­a­zine.

Yard­ney can claim to have edu­cat­ed more suc­cess­ful prop­er­ty investors than any­one else in the coun­try – and you could be next. Peo­ple obvi­ous­ly think he is onto some­thing, as he has over 20,000 fol­low­ers on Twit­ter. Not quite David Koch’s fol­low­ing at 34,908 fol­low­ers, but at least there are no dad jokes.

For Yard­ney, invest­ing in prop­er­ty has been a great way to pass the spare moments, but when he is not build­ing his port­fo­lio and work­ing at Metro­pole Finance, he spends his time as a one-on-one men­tor to aspir­ing prop­er­ty moguls, tours the prop­er­ty cir­cuit as a keynote speak­er and spreads his knowl­edge across a range of lead­ing pub­li­ca­tions.

One would expect his suc­cess­es came from more than luck and Yard­ney has wis­dom to impart. His knowl­edge of the mar­ket and the dri­ving forces behind it are well worth the atten­tion of those look­ing to buy their first home or expand their port­fo­lio.

Con­nect with Michael: Twit­ter | Sub­scribe to his blog | Vis­it his web site | Book — How to Grow a Mil­lion Dol­lar Prop­er­ty Port­fo­lio




The Front-Line

Margaret Lomas

Margaret Lomas

Cur­rent Role: Founder & Direc­tor of Des­tiny Finan­cial Solu­tions.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Con­sul­tant, Aus­tralian Train­ing Com­pa­ny.
You can find her com­ments in: Sky News Busi­ness: Your Mon­ey Your Call, Prop­er­ty Suc­cess with Mar­garet Lomas.

What’s the age old proverb, give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to invest in prop­er­ty and he will eat for the rest of his life? That’s what Mar­garet Lomas is try­ing to do with Des­tiny Finan­cial Solu­tions, a com­pa­ny aimed at teach­ing peo­ple how to suc­cess­ful­ly and sus­tain­ably build their prop­er­ty port­fo­lio.

Lomas is the author of six best-sell­ing prop­er­ty invest­ment books and is a reg­u­lar at the annu­al Home Buy­er & Prop­er­ty Investor Show. She is also the chair of the Prop­er­ty Invest­ment Pro­fes­sion­als of Aus­tralia.

Have a look at her Face­book page for addi­tion­al prop­er­ty invest­ment tips, advice and con­tin­ued dis­cus­sion between investors and the pros. Be sure to watch Mar­garet on the Sky Busi­ness Chan­nel on Mon­day nights.

Con­nect with Mar­garet: Twit­ter | Face­book | Book — 20 Must Ask Ques­tions for Every Prop­er­ty Investor




Catherine Cashmore

Catherine Cashmore

Cur­rent Role: Senior Advo­cate & Media Man­ag­er, Elite Buy­er Advo­cates.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Senior Buy­er and Media Advi­sor, JPP Buy­er Advo­cates.
You can find her com­ments in: Aus­tralian Prop­er­ty Investor, Prop­er­ty Observ­er, The Cir­cle, Prop­er­ty Update

All of Catherine’s arti­cles are post­ed on the Elite Buy­er Advo­cates Face­book page – your one-stop shop for a Cash­more fix. She reg­u­lar­ly posts great advice on Face­book -

Con­nect with Cather­ine: Face­book

heidiHeidi Armstrong

Cur­rent Role: Founder & Direc­tor of Oper­a­tions, State Cus­to­di­ans Mort­gage Com­pa­ny.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Free­lance researcher & Legal Edi­tor, But­ter­worths; Lawyer, Arm­strong Solic­i­tors; Lawyer, Farmer Camp­bell Arm­strong Solic­i­tors; Med­ical Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Smith Kline Beecham Inter­na­tion­al; Spe­cial­ist, Pfiz­er; Legal Exec­u­tive, Mor­gan Con­sult­ing; Human Resources Man­ag­er, Arnold Bloch Leibler Lawyers & Advi­sors; Direc­tor, Exxo Home Loans & Exxo Deposit Bonds.
You can find her com­ments in: Your Mort­gage, Your Mon­ey; Your Invest­ment Prop­er­ty Mag­a­zine, Mon­ey Mag­a­zine; Video Series: Home Buy­ing Tips, Invest­ing and Refi­nanc­ing Tips, 90 Sec­ond Answers; Finan­cial News.

Judg­ing from the num­ber of awards Hei­di Arm­strong and State Cus­to­di­ans Mort­gage Com­pa­ny have racked up over the last cou­ple of years — over 40 in total — their tro­phy cab­i­net must be burst­ing at the seams.

She has been a guest speak­er at the Home Buy­er & Prop­er­ty Investor Show and she even helped write the book on non-bank lenders — Mon­ey Mag­a­zine’s Your Guide to Non-Bank Lenders.

Arm­strong reg­u­lar­ly shares home loan updates and invest­ment infor­ma­tion through her Twit­ter feed, and will answer any ques­tion relat­ing to the mar­ket in 150 words or less, or you can check the State Cus­to­di­ans blog for an extend­ed response.

Con­nect with Hei­diTwit­ter | Sub­scribe to her blog | Vis­it her web site




Lisa Montgomery

Lisa Montgomery

Cur­rent Role: CEO & Spe­cial­ist Bro­ker, RESI Home Loans.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Head of Con­sumer Advo­ca­cy, Wiz­ard Home Loans; CEO, Info­choice Lim­it­ed.
You can find her com­ments in: Bro­ker News, Your Mort­gage Mag­a­zine, Sky Busi­ness: Your Mon­ey, Your Call & Home Loan Dai­ly.

Mont­gomery was a speak­er at last year’s Home Buy­er & Prop­er­ty Investor Show, but if you missed it and you are keen to get an idea of the qual­i­ty of her con­tri­bu­tions, have a look at the inter­view she did with Home Loan Dai­ly

She is an active ‘Tweet­er’ and offers some great advice and qual­i­ty links through her feed. If you have a ques­tion that needs to be answered, drop her a line at and her answers will be post­ed on the Resi web­site.

Con­nect with Lisa: Twit­ter




Peter Boehm

Peter Boehm

Cur­rent Role: Non-Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Inter­na­tion­al Finance Com­pa­ny, CEO, Nation­al Work­place Train­ing.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: CEO, Home Sweet Home,Managing Direc­tor, Pathfind­er Con­sult­ing Pty Ltd; Deputy man­ag­ing direc­tor at The Mon­ey Store, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Endeav­our Per­son­al Finance, Lon­don at Lloyds TSB
You can find his com­ments in: Res­i­dent Expert: Yahoo 7, Smart Prop­er­ty Invest­ment.

His arti­cles are infor­ma­tive and deal with prac­ti­cal issues that affect first home­buy­ers: from find­ing out how to check your prop­er­ty developer’s rep­u­ta­tion through to tips and tricks for pay­ing off your mort­gage ahead of time. Boehm’s advice is a must for all those look­ing to make sure they have a tick in every box pri­or to rush­ing into buy­ing their first home.

Also have a look at Boehm’s Twit­ter feed for invest­ment prop­er­ty relat­ed updates and links to arti­cles that have tick­led his inter­est.

Con­nect with Peter: Twit­ter | Book — The Great Aus­tralian Dream





The Story Tellers

michael mcnamara

Michael McNamara

Cur­rent Role: Gen­er­al Man­ag­er, Her­ron Todd White.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: RP Data.
You can find his com­ments in: Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald.

McNamara’s past three years com­ment­ing on the state of affairs with­in the mar­ket makes his opin­ion and analy­sis a per­fect com­pan­ion to his col­league blog­ger on SMH’s Domain, Car­olyn Boyd.

Through his work as a val­u­a­tion expert, Michael has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in deter­min­ing the worth of a prop­er­ty; in fact, he helped write the book, Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald Good Sub­urb Guide.

Con­nect with Michael: Sub­scribe to his blog | A search for McNamara’s Twit­ter result­ed in a graph­ic design­er – send a mes­sage to him and tell him to get social and share some of his exper­tise.

Scott Pape - Barefoot Investor

Scott Pape

Cur­rent Role: The Bare­foot Investor.
Pre­vi­ous Roles: Stock­bro­ker.
You can find his com­ments in:
Triple M Radio, Chan­nel 10, CNBC, The 7pm Project, ABC, all News Ltd. Pub­li­ca­tions, Bet­ter Homes and Gar­den Mag­a­zine & radio show and pret­ty much every­wehre else.

A mort­gage is one of, if not the biggest finan­cial com­mit­ment we will make, so it’s going to occu­py a fair slice of the finan­cial advisor’s world. Pape pro­vides good advice on bal­anc­ing per­son­al bud­gets and man­ag­ing a mort­gage, buy­ing your first prop­er­ty and beat­ing the banks. Check his com­ments for min­imis­ing the finan­cial bur­den of a mort­gage.

Con­nect with Scott: Twit­ter Sub­scribe to his blog | Vis­it his web site | Book — The Bare­foot Investor – Five Steps to Finan­cial Free­dom

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.