I’m giving a talk on Debunking Economics, and the future of economics, to the INET Young Scholars Initiative at 11am New York time today (5pm Central European time). The Young scholars have kindly agreed to let me open this event up to readers of this blog. Below is a bit more information about YSI from the organisers, and the login details for today’s talk.
The purpose of the Young Scholars Initiative is to find ways to support new economic thinkers at the earliest stages of their career trajectory, from graduate students to new junior faculty through to newly tenured faculty. So far a social media platform and a facebook group have been formed in an attempt to virtually recreate the energy and momentum generated at INET’s Berlin conference this April.
A side event to this conference organized by students invited prominent speakers for informal conversations and three days of intense discussions. For many of the 250 participating graduate students, PhD students and post-docs it was a remarkably revitalizing event, as many lack the community to openly discuss new economic ideas and methods.
Given the success of this physical venture, YSI have now established regular so called virtual visits with new economic thinkers, such as Steve Keen today. If you are interested in learning more about who we are come participate in the talk today at 5 pm Central European Time, and join our facebook page and Ning platform.
To participate in today’s talk, click on this Link (the password is “debunking”)
If you are a young scholar yourself and would like to participate in the the YSI, consider joining the Facebook group “INET YSI Commons”: http://www.facebook.com/groups/378629278823493/
There is also a Ning platform: http://ysi-commons.ning.com/