I will be travelling for the next two and a half weeks, with the following activities planned:
- Argentina, November 7–9. Contact: Alberto Muller; amulle AT infovia.com.ar.
- Monday 7, meeting with economists at the University of Buenos Aires; time and place to be determined.
- Tuesday 8, at 7 pm, a seminar on the international crisis with the Instituto Argentino para el Desarrollo Económico (IADE), at the Centro Cultural de la Cooperación, on Avenida Corrientes; with a non simultaneous translation into Spanish by Professor Michel Teubal.
- Wednesday 9, 9–11am, Keynote speech at ECON 2011 (with simultaneous translation into Spanish), University of Buenos Aires: “Neat, Plausible and Wrong: the deluded discipline of economics”, Salón de Actos — Córdoba 2122 — CABA
- USA, November 10–13
- Thursday 10, live interview on Russia Today’s Capital Account, which I believe goes to air at 4.30pm Washington time.
- Friday 11-Saturday 12. Speaker and panelist at the conference Sustainability, Transition & Culture Change, Shanty Creek Resorts, Bellaire, Michigan. Contact: Aaron Wissner; aaron.wissner AT gmail.com
- Sunday 13-Monday 14, New York. (Will visit Occupy Wall Street, but no plans as yet to speak there–happy to do so if invited).
- Dublin, Ireland, Tuesday 15-Wednesday 16. Speaking engagements and interviews organised by TASC. Contact: Richard O’Rourke; richard AT aspo-ireland.org
- UK, Wednesday 16 (evening)-Saturday 19 (evening)
- Thursday 17, London, UK. Interviews with The Renegade Economist, The Guardian and BBC Hardtalk.
- Friday 18, lunchtime talk at Cambridge University. Contact: Jasper Sky; jaspersky AT gmail.com
- Saturday 19, 2–4.30pm. Workshop on the financial crisis at Occupy LSX (London Stock Exchange). Contact: tentcityuniversity AT gmail.com, http://tentcityuniversity.occupylsx.org/.
I get back to Sydney on November 21. With 7 cities in 17 days, I’m going to have zero chance to keep up with correspondence and blog maintenance, so my apologies if I take time to fix up problems with login, approve comments by new members, etc.
If you’d like to squeeze anything else into my crowded schedule above, please contact the people listed above.