Signed copies of Debunking Economics II

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This is to every­one who has signed on to the blog at a lev­el that includ­ed receiv­ing a copy of Debunk­ing Eco­nom­ics II–whether eBook, paper­back or hard­cov­er:

In lieu of not get­ting the mechan­ics of this orga­nized in time to send copies out with the launch, I am going to send every­one a signed phys­i­cal copy of the book. eBooks are too new for send­ing of those to be fea­si­ble except in the USA–and the eBook isn’t avail­able yet any­way. The sig­na­ture is by way of rec­om­pense for not get­ting deliv­ery togeth­er in time.

Hope­ful­ly the funds being raised on the blog will ulti­mate­ly allow me to hire cler­i­cal staff so that this–and many oth­er such tasks–can be tak­en out of my hands and I can then focus on research and writ­ing.

The books are being sent out from Zed Books UK, and for this we need your phys­i­cal address (the mem­ber­ship plu­g­in does­n’t enable us to col­lect that infor­ma­tion when you sign up unfor­tu­nate­ly).

So if you are a mem­ber at the req­ui­site lev­el (Min­sky or above for con­tin­u­ing enrol­ments, or any of the once-off enrol­ments), please send your address details to:

Ruben Moopoosamy

Please also copy the infor­ma­tion to me.

The books will be sent out by airmail–in which case, US sup­port­ers should receive their copies before the book is avail­able in book­stores there.

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.