One of the bonuses of my recent trip to Madrid for the SASE conference was being able to drop in to see Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert in Paris. We recorded two interviews, one for The Keiser Report and another much longer interview for On The Edge.
Max and I cover a wide range of topics in this 23 minute interview: the crisis itself, shadow banking, the interplay of Global Warming, Peak Oil and China with the Great Recession, my new book, Debunking Economics II (which is coming out in September)… And we had a lot of fun in the process.
Live interviews always result in at least one verbal stuff-up however, and I heard one “blooper” as I reviewed this–I talk about entrepreneurs needing bank loans because they have “no ideas”; I meant “no money”. That’s one of the perils of an unscripted dialogue, but it’s more than worth the risk for the fun of bouncing off as sharp a wit as Max’s.